Nourish Velvet Rope

All acess Pass 

Elevate your energy, find your calm, and shed the kgs with our high-touch program.


Uncover solid nutritional foundations, personalised coaching, and more. 

Escape the cycle of anxiety and (No more frustrating Dr appointments telling you nothing is wrong with you while handing you a script for Lexapro) and empower yourself. Embrace each day with renewed vitality and make every moment extraordinary. 

No band-aid solutions here, no one size fits all, This is where your personalised coaching is tailored to your specific needs, dreams, aspirations and goals.

Louise guides you on your journey,  nutritionally, physically and emotionally. This can include energetic kinesiology or archetype-guided meditations.

Any food allergies- No problem. Talk to Louise about adjusting your recipes.

Your 12 week Journey Begins

  With a quiz that is within the Hashi sisterhood portal, which pathway will be the best for you.             Supporting pathways of Energy, Weight, and Brain and a whole lot of mindset.

2 Nutritional Programs

AIP (Thyroid Recovery) you start here for Hashimotos, or Reset your Hormones which is a Paleo-style nutritional program – I will chat with you and help guide you to the best one for you to start with.

This this you-  

  • Following what others have told you worked for them inside Facebook’s groups, and wondering why it’s not working for you.
  • Relied on Dr. Google for treatment and solutions, I tried all the things but nothing really worked, and now I am more tired than when I started. 
  • Buying inferior supplements online that are not right for you
  • Binge dieting  or fad diets to lose weight, eating the wrong types of food
  • Overexercising or hardcore exercise like F4 or CrossFit 
  • Treating the symptoms – NOT the cause


Nourish Velvet Rope: Why it is important to you

1 x  Initial consult to see where you are at, dreams aspirations, goals 

6 Personalised 1:1 coaching session 

Blood testing and or any other testing that I can see that would benefit you

Practitioner Supplements personalised for you

Voxer support – Mon to Friday 

Yoga program 

Self Love program & Meditations and so much more.


I look at your uniqueness, what you have tried in the past, your body, your physiology, and your life circumstances are all unique to you, mentally, physically and emotionally/spiritually.


So that you can have personally qualified support and advice to get you to….

Includes personalised mindset coaching

Get the right testing for you;  This could be pathology testing or specific functional testing to gain a deeper more comprehensive understanding which is personalised, and more effective for you. 

Value $500.00 

The cleanest practitioner range of supplements, that will support you on your journey to a healthier you 

Got a burning question, You can Voxer Louise Monday to Friday during working hours

This is a Naturopathic Thyroid yoga specifically designed for women with, autoimmune conditions and  thyroid disorders

So you can begin to rewire your mindset…

Get back in touch with who you are and what you value most and live life as your true, amazing self.

This is for you

You are teachable/coachable

If you want the energy to go on that hiking, or skiing…                                  holiday and not sit and watch from the sidelines anymore.

Feel great and have the energy every single day 

Wanting to be 5 steps ahead in the boardroom or at work

Remembering comes easily to you – say bye-bye to brain fog 

Feel calm and relaxed (AKA, no more anxiety or depression) 

You are ready to make a difference in your life, personally,                             professionally and within your family 

Set boundaries and stick to them 

Want to change your body shape and size 

Slip into your favourite pair of jeans or dress because you can 

This is not for you 

If you are not teachable/ coachable,

Not ready to step up and do the work 

Don’t want to give up- Gluten, dairy, sugar ……

I can’t attitude 

I’ve tried that and It didn’t work attitude 

If you have tried everything and have not gotten anywhere.

Relying on Dr Google for all the answers

Dearest Louise

Thank you so much for all you have taught me about my physical and mental health. With your guidance on learning to balance the two and bringing me back into balance.

I can now recognise when areas need more work. Thank you for pulling me back from the brink and helping me centre on what was most important in my life.

Because you have studied so many different modalities to help your clients and continue to do so, it made it easier for me when you suggested different ways to achieve the outcomes that suited me in the best way possible.

Setting goals with you and being acknowledged when I achieved them was also something that helped me see the improvements that I made.

They say it takes a village to raise a child. Thank you for being part of my village.

Liz Roots

Before starting this program, I ate just whatever was in front of me without much thought. Now after Louise’s guidance I put more thought in to healthier options for my hormones but mostly for my poor thyroid. This program has helped me identify which foods were causing my raging mood swings at that time of the month, and I am so grateful that has gotten better. I now feel confidant to make additional changes rather than overwhelmed. Thank you Louise.



I went to Louise to help me get off my medication as I hated taking tablets. Louise changed my diet, made lifestyle modifications, and put me on certain vitamin drinks and tablets. With Louise’s guidance and support, I was able to achieve it. No more medication and I feel so much better. Louise is very knowledgeable and is a lovely person. Very supportive. Highly recommend if you need that extra help the doctors may not be able to give you.

Gayle Dodgson